Welcome to reklaim privacy

At Reklaim, we’ve worked to empower you to take back control of your data, letting you know your data has value, what that value is, and how to get compensated for it. Reklaim Privacy takes our core mission to the next level.

With the Reklaim Privacy subscription, we give you the choice to protect your data even more. Of course, compensation is never going away, and you will always be able to earn from your data if that is what you would like to do. However, if you want more privacy, we now have that too!

Our Reklaim Privacy features include:


Reklaim is the only platform that allows you to view your digital profile, edit it, and choose to opt-out of your data being sold. With this feature, you are able to modify traits about yourself, your interests as well as your buying habits just by sharing your email address and/or phone number.

With this feature, we will show you what data brokers have on you, and if your information has been exposed in any data breaches. With our Basic and Lite plans, you can scan up to 2 IDs (emails and/or phone numbers) and with our Pro plan, you can scan up to 5!

Back in 2021, Facebook had a data breach that affected 553 million users. We had many users wanting to know if their information had been compromised. With Reklaim, you can go in at anytime and see if your data was hacked in the FB Breach of 2021 and any other past + future hacks.

Data Breach Monitoring

Reklaim Privacy Data Breach Monitoring

Has your data been leaked? Are your passwords secure? With this feature, you can find out if any of your data has ever been leaked, when and on which platforms and/or sites. The feature includes password monitoring so you can make sure all of your online accounts are secure and update passwords when they have been compromised.


Reklaim Unlimited VPN, an exclusive feature for reklaim pro

A VPN is a service that routes all of the data sent to and from your computer or phone through the VPN provider’s own servers, or servers it rents. After Consumer Reports tested 16 VPN services running on Windows 10, they came to the conclusion that the industry’s privacy and security practices tend to be disapointing, lacking the ability to live up to their marketing. We worked to fill the gaps with our VPN, where you can browse the web with greater privacy and anonymity.

Reklaim VPN Screenshot

We are putting you in the (data) driver’s seat. With Reklaim Privacy, not only do you have the access to the data of yours that is out there, but we’ll arm you with the protection you need to keep your personal information safe and secure. Your data should be in your control - it’s your choice what to do with it.


zero party data vs. first-party data vs. third-party data


Three Common Mistakes to Avoid in Connected TV (CTV)